Health Foods

One of Japan's largest product lineups

Based on the idea of delivering only those products that offer a clear edge over competitors, whether through equal quality at lower cost or higher quality at equal cost, DHC health foods offer unmatched quality, content, safety, and pricing.

As one of Japan's largest health foods companies, DHC supports healthy daily living by defying the conventional notion that effective health foods must be expensive.


Health Foods

DHC's policies

DHC is seeking to implement policies and systems, including the DHC Health Foods Helpdesk, that support customers and help ensure the delivery of safe and effective health foods.


Delivering the safest, highest-quality products

Beyond inspections of raw materials and finished products, DHC repeatedly and rigorously inspects intermediate products in process and products delivered to customers. It constantly seeks to improve its formulas to offer the most effective products on the market. In these and other ways, DHC ensures that its products deliver the highest quality possible.


Strict safety standards and a reliable support system

DHC has established its own DHC Safety Standards, which prohibit the use of ingredients from sources that have not been verified for safety. These standards ensure DHC uses only carefully selected ingredients. DHC also manufactures all its products in Japanese factories that meet Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)* standards-yet another way that product safety is ensured.

*Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for drugs and other products.


High volumes mean lower cost

DHC is able to offer low prices because it purchases raw materials in bulk, manufactures products in high volume, and minimizes intermediate costs through its mail-order system. DHC strives to realize affordable prices every day through economies of scale for its large, loyal customer base.


From the basic 30-Day Supply series through the easy-to-use 15-Day and 20-Day Supply series and the affordable 60-Day and 90-Day Supply series, DHC offers a broad-ranging lineup of supplements from which customers can choose based on their needs and lifestyles.

DHA 30日分【機能性表示食品】
速攻ブルーベリー 30日分
パーフェクト サプリ マルチビタミン&ミネラル 30日分

Protein Diet

These meal replacements supplement the protein, vitamins, and minerals dieters often miss, while making it easier for them to control calories.

DHCプロティンダイエット 5袋入
全5味×各1食ずつ入り! まず試してみたい方にぴったり☆
DHCプロティンダイエット 15袋入
DHCプロティンダイエット MCTプラス 15袋入
話題の「MCTオイル」のドリンクで、落ちにくい大人も大満足♪ 1食167kcal以下&栄養バッチリ!


Diet supplements

This wide-ranging lineup of diet supplements helps individuals meet their personal goals while providing powerful support to those who want to diet effectively.

フォースコリー 30日分
ダイエットパワー 30日分
ニュースリム 30日分


Diet support

These tempting food products help control calorie intake while providing the nutrients needed to satisfy mind and body.

DHC食べたい時のダイエットパウダー 30本入
DHCダイエットサポートティー (30ティーバッグ入)
DHCカラダ対策茶W(ダブル) 30日分【機能性表示食品】
