DHC creates products with an emphasis on safety. The core goal of DHC’s research and development is to bring
happiness to as many people as possible.
Consumers rely on our supplements every day.
That’s why DHC emphasizes quality control as a key responsibility of a manufacturer.
Our Quality Management Office is the heart and soul of DHC product safety, working daily to deliver reliable supplements to our customers.
DHC conducts testing on raw materials before they are delivered to the plant and on finished products before they are shipped out.
We ensure safety through checks conducted by the Quality Management Office and inside product plants at three stages: raw materials, products before packaging in pouches or containers, and final products.
Only products that have fully passed all tests are brought to market.
DHC’s Quality Management Office rigorously tests fragrance, color, and other properties of raw materials before they are delivered to the plant.
We also conduct microbial testing for general bacteria, colon bacilli, mold, and yeast, along with analysis and testing of key ingredients to make sure products contain their full complement of beneficial ingredients.
We check the appearances, hardness, water content, and other properties of capsules and tablets and verify their solubility within specified timeframes. We also repeat the microbial testing and ingredient analysis conducted before production.
We check final products for several key factors: Are the best-by dates printed correctly? Do they conform to the specified weights and quantities? Are they packaged with the appropriate desiccants?
We work daily to prevent and reject substandard products, which must never reach the market. My goal is to manage safety while also honing my skills.
DHC Quality Management / Microbial TestingKanako Sasaki
The quality of raw materials is essential to creating quality products. In my work, I strive to ensure that raw materials satisfy all safety standards, always remaining aware of the importance of precision testing.
DHC Quality Management / Ingredients AnalysisShinro Ito
0120-575-368 <toll-free>
9:00〜17:00/closed Sun., holidays, and year-end/New Year’s holiday
* The Hotline cannot accept product orders.